How I Increased My Pageviews by 2,000+ Per Month with Pinterest

January 8, 2018

At the end of October 2017 I saw a post on Facebook where a blogger asked other bloggers what their main streams of traffic were. I was surprised to see almost every response contained Pinterest as their number one referral sourceย since this was not the case for me. Facebook and Instagram were a close second and third. It was then that I decided something needed to change. My pageviews were not where I wanted them to be to say the least.

I don’t know where you are in your blogging journey. 2,000 pageviews may be a drop in the bucket for you, but for me this has been huge. If I can grow my traffic by 24,000/year I will be thrilled! I’m only two months in too, so I hope this will only continue to increase as the months go on!

5 easy and concrete ways to increase blog pageviews and traffic with Pinterest, how i increased my pageviews by 2,000 per month using Pinterest, strategies to grow your blog, how to grow your blog using Pinterest

How I Increased My Pageviews by 2,000+ Per Month with Pinterest

  1. I took a Pinterest webinar – The first thing I did was sign up for a webinar to help me learn. This was really the foundation for what came next. From this class I learned that Pinterest should be viewed as a search engine like Googleย instead of a social media platform. This really changed the way I viewed it. If you think about it, people go to Pinterest to search for specific things. More often than not save them to refer back to in the future. As content creators, we need to create content with this behavior in mind.
  2. I changed my content to contain more evergreen content – With what I learned from the class, I subtlety changed my content. Evergreen content is content that is always relevant even years later. My focus shifted to thinking “What can I create that people will find helpful and want to save long term thus making it more useful and more pinable?” I found this very challenging, especially in the beginning, as a fashion blogger.
  3. I created images with text overlayย – For posts that I worked on creating evergreen content, I created a dedicated picture with text overlay specifically for Pinterest. Having a photo that essentially shows what the post is about so that pinners know without having to see the post is key.
  4. I started using a Pinterest scheduling system – Besides changing my own content, to have success on Pinterest you must be an active pinner. This means not just pinning your own things. My goal is to pin 15-20 things per/day using the system and just sit down once a week or so and pin a ton of things. It pins for you at optimal times. I still have a lot to learn in this area, and I hope to grow here. For my scheduling system, I use Tailwind. However,ย I am thinking about switching to Boardbooster as I hear better things about its versatility.
  5. I promoted pins that I thought had long term potential – I paid to promote a couple posts that I worked on to create evergreen content. Having never done this, I wasn’t sure the pay off, but it worked very well for me. Pinterest seems less polluted by having to pay for your content to be seen than Facebook and Instagram to me, so when I did pay it seemed to work better. That’s just my take.

If this is helpful for you, I’d love for you to pin it. Grin. If you’re interested, I would be happy to do a second post in this series about how to create evergreen content as a fashion blogger. Leave me a comment!

UPDATE: I have posted a second blog about how to create evergreen content as a fashion blogger here.

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  • Reply elle January 8, 2018 at 9:00 am

    Wow, this is so interesting to know. I havenโ€™t pursued Pinterest in such a long time. I do love it as a platform though, and as a collector, I find it very entertaining. Iโ€™m so glad to read that it could be helpful for my blog. I think I will get back to it, as per your advice. Iโ€™m very grateful that you wrote this article.
    I hope your new year is off to a wonderful start!

  • Reply Kate @ Green Fashionista January 8, 2018 at 8:52 am

    Awesome tips! I only recently enabled rich pins, and I’ve seen a big difference in traffic and it’s fun to see the activity on each pin. I wish I was more tech savvy to be better at overlays, especially in Insta-Stories. I’ve seen your stories with some neat images/overlays and was wondering what app you’re using for that. Have a fabulous Monday girlie <3

    Green Fashionista

  • Reply Nina January 8, 2018 at 8:46 am

    This was so interesting to read, thanks for your tips Amy Ann. I have to admit that I never payed too much attention to Pinterest, but I will definitely change it. I would love to see more posts like this. Have a wonderful day. xx

    Nina’s Style Blog

  • Reply Violette January 8, 2018 at 8:41 am

    I also heard that Pinterest was a great and major thing to increase our pageviews but never really know how to do it… You certainly did an amazing job! Thank you for the tips, I’m going to check the webinar!

  • Reply Living on Cloud Nine January 8, 2018 at 8:35 am

    Oh my goodness, soooo good! Pinterest is an amazing source! You have some great tips here pretty lady!

  • Reply Rosanna Briguglio January 8, 2018 at 8:08 am

    Thanks for the tips, I really like using Pinterest!
    Have a lovely day ๐Ÿ™‚
    Rosanna x

  • Reply thevelvetrunway January 8, 2018 at 8:07 am

    This is such an interesting post. I barely use Pinterest and I definitely don’t create evergreen content, so I would love to find out more about this. I also need to learn about creating images with text overlay!
    Thanks for these great tips! I will have to take the webinar
    Julia x

  • Reply Shauna C January 8, 2018 at 7:50 am

    I really need to jump on the Pintrest bandwagon. I think I shy away from it because it’s just one more thing I’ll need to become obsessed with..and I’m not sure how I feel about that yet!


  • Reply Jalisa January 8, 2018 at 7:42 am

    Well, I surely saved this post, haha! Pinterest is also a great traffic driver for my blog, too, as well as Google Plus! I feel like with the success of Instagram, so many are neglecting the potential growth on these platforms. I’ll definitely have to put these tips into practice. Thank you so much for sharing them with us, beautiful, and I hope you have the most amazing week ahead!




  • Reply Whitney January 8, 2018 at 7:33 am

    These are such great tips. We really need to devote more time to Pinterest. Creating more evergreen post is such a great idea! Love this post!

    Whitney & Blaire
    Peaches In A Pod

  • Reply Brooke January 8, 2018 at 7:31 am

    That’s so awesome Amy! I can definitely attest to Pinterest being a big traffic source, it’s my biggest source. I love that with Pinterest a pin can take off and feed traffic daily for years!

    pumps and push-ups

  • Reply Gina Daily January 8, 2018 at 7:28 am

    LOVE these great tips and the webinar recommendation. Pinterest is my best “social media” (though I definitely agree with the search engine analogy) traffic referrer for my blog but I could definitely stand to take it to the next level. Thanks for taking the time to put these tips together and here’s to hoping this post goes viral on Pinterest too to make it worth your time! ๐Ÿ™‚
    Gina || On the Daily Express

  • Reply Rachelle January 8, 2018 at 5:59 am

    Such great tips, Thanks Amy I need to work on creating more evergreen posts as well. That’s a goal of mine.


  • Reply One Swainky Couple January 8, 2018 at 5:51 am

    Definitely interested in a follow up post! And let me know if you do switch to Board Booster! I use Tailwind and love it but have always wondered what the difference is! PS, you should start a group board!! I’d love to join that!

    Katherine |

  • Reply Biana Perez January 8, 2018 at 5:44 am

    This is fantastic! I started using Tailwind at the end of last year and I’m hoping to take a webinar – thanks for sharing which one you took! xo, Biana –BlovedBoston

  • Reply Zelle Brown January 8, 2018 at 5:04 am

    Love this post! I really need to optimize my Pinterest a little more. I have combed through old posts and updated where I see fit to increase the longetivity of them but need to spend more time doing that as well. Pinterest can truly make a huge difference – I have one post that took off on pinterest without me even realizing it and it did wonders for that post and outfit!

    Zelle | Southern Style

  • Reply Rachel McCarthy January 8, 2018 at 4:55 am

    This is such a great post, Amy Ann! I know that I have been wanting to focus more on Pinterest too and have been researching the differences between Tailwind and Boardbooster. I was going to go with Tailwind but interesting that you might be switching! Totally agree with the text overlays, too. My food posts with text overlays seem to perform much better. Thanks for sharing these tips!

    xo, Rachel
    A Blonde’s Moment

  • Reply Carmen Jny (carmitive) January 8, 2018 at 4:53 am

    Babe that sounds amazing! I’ve heard some great things about Pinterest too, but now I am gonna give it a more serious try FOR SURE! Thanks so much for sharing this. And I would definitely be interested in a second post about evergreen content ๐Ÿ™‚
    xx, Carmen –

  • Reply Meagan Brandon January 8, 2018 at 3:07 am

    This is so helpful, Amy! I’ve been trying to navigate the promotion process on Pinterest and found it pretty confusing so I’ll definitely be referring to your post. That type of boost in views is fantastic!!


  • Reply The Bandwagon Chic January 8, 2018 at 1:58 am

    I love pinterest but didn’t know it can generate traffic.
    I should pin more starting today

    Much Love,
    Jane | The Bandwagon Chic

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