If you have been following along on Instagram, you know that this week we had some work done in our kitchen. Today I am excited to share our kitchen backsplash update with Mill Creek Carpet & Tile in Tulsa. Mill Creek is a family owned business with multiple locations in Tulsa and Oklahoma City, so if you are in the area be sure to check them out! About the Process I was so thrilled when Mill Creek reached out to…
Mother Daughter Matching in Overalls + Shopbop Sale
February 25, 2019When I bought these overalls for myself, I knew I could not resist buying a pair for Ivy Jean too. In general, I am not really a mom who tries to regularly put us in outfits that match, but the idea of matching in overalls was just too much fun to pass up. I also recently got these really fun pink Vans from Madewell as a gift for hosting the event with them here recently. When I brought them home,…
Arnold Family News – We’re Adopting!!
November 29, 2018To Our Future Baby When your dad and I made the decision not to do IVF again like we did with your sister, we went out to dinner to celebrate because we knew YOU were our future. You see, one day you will know your family legacy. One day you will know just how much we have dreamed of you. Infertility has been part of our story since 2014, but adoption has been part of it for much, much longer…
Infertility Round Two
August 10, 2018Well friends, here we are. Infertility round two. Though we knew it might be a possibility we dared to hope we wouldn’t walk this road again. If you are unfamiliar with our story, you can read my original post about our infertility journey here, our pregnancy announcement here, and then Ivy Jean’s birth story here. Oftentimes with endometriosis a healthy pregnancy improves the chances of a natural one following. With consultation from our doctor, we began trying to have a…
Ivy Jean – 18 Months
June 11, 2018Ivy Jean you are 18 months old! I can hardly believe it. We celebrated with a half birthday cake just like we did last year, and it brought me so much joy to continue the tradition with you just like my mom did for me. This year you partook too! Dare I say these last six months have been my favorite. You are coming into your own, and your dad and I just cannot get enough of you. You make…
Beach Trip Photos
June 1, 2018Happy Friday everyone! Hope you all have had a great week. We got back yesterday from a great week at the beach. If you followed along on Instagram, you have probably already seen these photos and more on my stories. I thought I would share our beach trip photos here too. I love that the blog allows me to document parts of our lives. I’ll link everything for you here too in case you don’t use liketoknow.it or follow on…
Motherhood is More
April 13, 2018This post has been floating around in my head for some time now, unformed and a little unfinished. Honestly, it’s more than just a post. The idea is still in my head unformed and unfinished. Growing and changing as I experience life as a mom. I guess it kind of always will be as the best parts of life are always a moving target, but it helps me to write. Motherhood is more. Plain and simple. It has changed me more…
Ivy Jean – One Year
November 16, 2017One. 365 days. One year. I’ve put off writing this post because the truth is I don’t think I can adequately sum up all you mean to us. How wholly you have changed us in such a short time. I hope some day your dad and I figure out a way to tell you just how much of a grip you have on our hearts. Or if we can’t, that somehow you feel it. You were so wanted. You are…
A Trip to the Pumpkin Patch
October 23, 2017A trip to the pumpkin patch! This weekend we took Ivy Jean on her first trip to the Pumpkin Patch. There is a place here called Carmichael’s Pumpkin Patch that is legend. They have a full on petting zoo, photo ops, pony rides, and more. I grew up going there with my sister, mom and dad, and grandparents. It is so much fun to start the same tradition with our sweet girl. We even took her in the Radio Flyer…
Ivy Jean – 6 Month Update + Family Photos
May 26, 2017Six months, where has time gone? Ivy Jean, you are the light of our lives. Our miracle girl. Your dad and I cannot believe how you have grown and changed. You amaze us every day, and being your parents has brought us a joy and a capacity for love we didn’t know possible. We understand more about our heavenly father because of you, and that is a true gift. When we see you, we see the impossible made possible and…