Ivy Jean you are 18 months old! I can hardly believe it. We celebrated with a half birthday cake just like we did last year, and it brought me so much joy to continue the tradition with you just like my mom did for me. This year you partook too!
Dare I say these last six months have been my favorite. You are coming into your own, and your dad and I just cannot get enough of you. You make us laugh regularly, you are adventurous and brave yet like us close by as you explore, you love animals (especially dogs and especially Jefferson), 95% of the time when you are playing you have a baby in your hand. You’ve started imitating what we do with your dolls, and it is the sweetest thing ever. You give bottles, wipe noses, and go for stroller rides. Your vocabulary has expanded a lot just in the last few weeks. I think “mama” is your favorite word which I will never tire of hearing. Your “uh-oh” when anything falls is about the cutest thing ever. When we pray at night, you put your hands together. The first time you did it, I almost bawled on the spot.
We have done some fun things lately, and it makes me look forward to establishing a childhood of memories with you just like I have with my parents. Some of them include your first trip to the zoo where you were totally delighted by seeing the animals in person. Except the tiger, you did NOT like him. We walked in the March of Dimes in your honor with family which was a truly special day and something we hope to do each year. We got your first popsicle. You also took your first ride on the Power Wheel while your sweet cousin drove you slowly. You loved it, waving and laughing the whole time. We also regularly go eat Mexican food at our favorite patio. It’s your favorite food I think. Further proof you fit right in our little family.
You weigh right around 23 pounds, have 12 teeth, four of which are molars that none of us liked while you got them, and nap once during the middle of the day. You usually sleep from about 7:00-7:00.
Your dad and I love you. We thank God for choosing us to be your parents all the time. There isn’t a day that goes by that I am not grateful.
Special Thanks
Special thanks to Lolly Garden for Ivy Jean’s adorable blue embroidered set. I think it’s my favorite thing in her closet! If you live in the Tulsa area and are in need of kids clothing or a kid’s gift, you have to go in store! They have the cutest things and great lines. This set is the Tea Collection. Follow them on Instagram here. And special thanks to Alex of Alexandra Jordan Photography for these beautiful images!
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