Lace Trim Blue Dress

August 8, 2018

Happy Wednesday everyone! Hope you all are having a good week. If you caught my Instagram stories or posts this weekend then you know we went to Alabama to visit Russ’s family. We got back late Sunday night, and we are getting back in the routine this week. It was so great to see all of his extended family, and I feel very grateful to have wonderful family on both sides. It’s fun to see Ivy Jean interact with everyone. His parents are so great about coming to see us regularly which means a lot to us. Going there meant she got to see great aunts, uncles, grandparents, and cousins. Travel with a toddler is always an interesting endeavor. Having family that lives in a different state is difficult for many reasons chief of which is that we miss them, but it also means either driving 10+ hours or flying with Ivy Jean. We flew this time, and except for the last flight, she did great.

Family Dinner Date Outfit

This lace trim blue dress is a current favorite. I wore it to dinner over the weekend recently for a family dinner date and posted a cute selfie here. At that particular dinner, the highchair strap on Ivy Jean’s seat was broken and she spent the whole dinner standing up happy as a clam she wasn’t strapped in. It was memorable for sure for us and all those around us. 😉 We do love going out to eat as a family on the weekend though, so we are doing our best to embrace the sometimes hectic dinners that having a toddler as a table companion bring.

Lace Trim Blue Midi Dress

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