One. 365 days. One year.
I’ve put off writing this post because the truth is I don’t think I can adequately sum up all you mean to us. How wholly you have changed us in such a short time. I hope some day your dad and I figure out a way to tell you just how much of a grip you have on our hearts. Or if we can’t, that somehow you feel it. You were so wanted. You are so completely loved. Sometimes we just look at each other with dumbfounded faces at the lunacy of what your grin does to us. I just read over my previous posts about you, your story, from infertility to now. God has done a mighty work in you, and in us through you, Ivy Jean Arnold. You are a force.
For waiting for you for such a long time, I was so unprepared for what you would do to me Ivy Jean. Sometimes it feels as if you have turned me inside out. Like now part of my heart is outside of my body for everyone to see. Both the good and the bad. I am more aware now of how selfish I am, how much I desire to control things, how I like things to appear neat and tidy to the outside world. You are anything but neat and tidy, and if I am being truthful, I love it that way.
You are your own little person. Spunky, active, curious. Forcing me to adjust, grow. When I get honest with myself, the hard parts of being your mom are really the best parts of you. I want you to be unique and have opinions though I might wish it wasn’t that green beans go on the floor. You haven’t fit the mold from day one when you surprised us by coming 6 weeks early. I hope you never fit the mold. I hope you grow into exactly the person Jesus created you to be surprising us every step of the way. Your dad and I can be boring sometimes. You add spice and life. Oh boy, do you add life.
I love seeing the way people respond to you. You bring happiness. Your eyes, your grin, your little wave light people up. Your story speaks to God’s redemptive story, and I hope it always will. I hope you walk with him and allow him to wave his grace into your life always remembering the meaning of your name just like it reminds me: He is faithful.
At one year, you have 6 teeth. Six. Whew, each one has been a struggle. You weight almost 19 pounds and are 27.5 inches tall. You are constant motion, pulling up on everything, never siting still, and trying to climb everything. Walking hasn’t happened yet, but you do stand for a few seconds when you feel like it. The sporadic nature of it makes me laugh. You are your own little person that much is for sure.
Ivy Jean’s Story
Infertility Story, IVF & Birth Announcement, Birth Story, 3 Month Update, 6 Month Update, 9 Month Update
Thank you to Randy Yeats for capturing this special time in our lives. If you are in the area and need a photographer, she is amazing!!
Special thanks to Wikibuy for my dress. Shop their coupons to Loft here.
Russ and Ivy’s outfit details here.
Such a beautiful family! She’s adorable!
What a beautiful family, and such a sweet post! Happy first birthday Ivy Jean!
Aww happy birthday Ivy Jean!! She is such a darling, and sounds like such a sweet, spunky thing too. I love watching their little personalities develop, and what you said about the hardest parts of motherhood is so true.
Happy birthday to your little precious dear. She’s as adorable as you!
Jessica |
Happy 1st birthday to your precious miracle!! We are so blessed to have known you true your journey and what a great example you all of faithfulness. What a blessed family you all are!
Oh my word, Amy Ann, this is beautiful! Your family is so precious (and her little smile just gets me!) and it has been incredible to follow along on your journey through these posts. Thank you as always for sharing honestly and openly – God totally is faithful.
Kathryn •
Amy Ann, this is absolutely beautiful. I thought about you all week because Thursday was my due date and I remembered you said that was also Ivy Jean’s birthday. Happy Birthday to your sweet little gift from God. These pictures are wonderful, and you all look so happy. Enjoy what the next year has to bring.
Aww how amazing its already been a year ! What a beautiful post and she is just too cute.
What a beautiful piece of writing, it’s so touching! We could feel the love you two have for Ivy Jean, and she is totally getting this love back to you! She is way too cute and I’m sure you’re having the best time with this little angel!
Happy Birthday, Miss Ivy Jean! These shots are just stunning and what a perfect time of year to do a family photo shoot. Reading this truly makes me so excited about having a little family of my own soon <3
This just melted my heart! Ivy Jean is just too adorable for words and her eye’s are so beautiful and expressive. Happy birthday to your beautiful daughter 🙂 Thank you for sharing these pictures with us.
xo, Jackie
Such adorable pictures, thanks for sharing them. Your daughter is extremely beatiful, and she looks so happy <3 You are a gorgeous family.
What a precious little girl – that I cannot believe is a year old. What a beautiful story of your hope in God’s faithfulness.
Daily Style Finds
This is a beautiful post for a beautiful little family. Happy birthday, Ivy Jean!
I seriously cannot believe it has been one year. How time flies! Love these photos. You have such a beautiful family <3
Enclothed Cognition
Oh this is just beyond beautiful, Amy Ann. I loved reading your sweet sentiments. Happy 1st birthday to your Ivy Jean—she’s beautiful! xx, Tyler
Oh my goodness what a beautiful post, I loved reading this Amy. Absolutely gorgeous photos of you all as well, Ivy Jean is beautiful girl! xx
Tash |
Such a sweet post! I am sure she will love reading these when she is older. Your family photos are absolutely beautiful! Ivy Jean is such a cutie pie!
gorgeous family!
Hadas | The Fashion Matters- Luxury travel and fashion blog
oh my gosh what a beautiful message to your gorgeous daughter! Her eyes are stunning! Happy Birthday Ivy!