How to Stay Stylish on a Budget (Budget Q&A)

April 26, 2017

I just wanted to say again thank you for all your fun questions. I have really enjoyed this Q&A series, and I hope you have too! You can see blogging here and personal here. One of the things I got asked about quite a bit last week was budget. I am not sure whether people were curious about my budget specifically or how to stay stylish on a budget or both. I’m going to do my best to touch on both topics on today’s post.

I’ve actually written posts about these very topics in the past if you want to go into the archives. You can find an older post on staying stylish on a budget here and a fashion philosophy post here both of which contain personal budget info. I am happy to report I still agree with everything I said and may have even said it better, so they are worth a read if you are curious. I do have a few updates below. Thanks to my mom, one of my core beliefs about fashion is that you do not have to spend a fortune to stay stylish. Of course I love a good splurge now and then like anyone, but it’s definitely possible to feel good about yourself while maintaining a budget.

how to stay stylish on a budget, embroidered white dress, red tassel heels, red clutch

How to Stay Stay Stylish on a Budget

  1. Buy pieces that can be worn multiple ways – This is key in my wardrobe. I am always on the lookout for pieces that easily transition from work to weekend. This top is a great example shown for work here and weekend here.
  2. Keep a List – Keeping a list of what you actually want helps you avoid impulse buys. I am always temped by the “this is on sale and it fits” when the reality is that I don’t need it, and it’s just going to blow my budget.
  3. Get creative – This is perhaps the hardest when you are standing in your closet running late before work, but if you get creative with your wardrobe you can come up with totally new outfits out of what you already own. To me this is most easily done with layers. Add a bottom layer as a top like a sleeveless button up you would normally wear under a blazer on top of a fitted long sleeve top. Consider layering a slip dress that you would normally wear alone only in the summer over a long sleeve top. I actually just did this for work with the dress you see here and the bell sleeve top you see here. It was so fun!
  4. Shop sales – I guess this one kind of goes without saying…
  5. Sign up for email lists – This may sound counter intuitive, but I say sign up for email lists! My reasons are two-fold. If you go in a store and fall in love with something, but it is not on sale and over your price range, if you sign up for the emails you will know the second it goes on sale. You can snag it immediately. The second reason is if you happen to buy something not on sale and it goes on sale the next day (don’t you hate it when that happens) you will know so that you can call the store and ask for a credit. Many stores will do this: LOFT, Gap, Old Navy, etc.
  6. Shop at local resale shops – I love resale shops! I both shop at them and take my clothes I no longer wear into them. It’s a win/win because I get clothes at great prices and make money to buy more. Just keeping it real…
  7. Don’t spend much on trendy pieces – Today’s dress is a perfect example. Embroidery is a big trend right now. I love it. I am all in when it comes to trends, but I don’t always want to invest big bucks on them. Find stores that sell trendy options afforably so if next season it is out, you won’t be out big dollars.

My Budget as a Blogger

I have a monthly clothing budget of $75 which I have had for years (see previous posts linked above). It hasn’t changed as my blog has grown. To be honest, I actually spend less of our personal money now that my blog has grown. One of the obvious perks of being a fashion blogger is being gifted clothing. Since I am able to pick what clothing I get, I always try to pick anything I have on my personal wish list or anything I want for the upcoming season. Because of this, I don’t need to shop on my own much.

Of course there are always times I do purchase things on my own. For example, in the last month I bought the blue heels seen here, and my mom was kind enough to buy me the two LOFT tops seen here and here. Otherwise everything you’ve seen on the blog this month is either gifted or not new. I know what you may be thinking: those heels are more than $75. True, but not by much ($5 to be exact) and the income I made from my blog this month exceeds the difference. Being gifted clothing and also making money through my affiliate networks and sponsored content has allowed my blog truly become a source of income since I both spend less shopping and make money.

staying stylish on a budget, embroidered white dress, red tassel heels, red clutch how to stay stylish on a budget, embroidered white dress, red tassel heels, red clutch how to stay stylish on a budget, embroidered white dress, red tassel heels, red clutch

Outfit Details

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  • Reply Ashley White April 27, 2017 at 9:34 am

    This dress is so cute- and the heels make you one hot mama, that’s for sure.

    I don’t have a set budget for clothes, but I have an overall budget I stick to for random spending each month. That seems to work!

    Le Stylo Rouge

  • Reply bonjourchiara April 27, 2017 at 9:28 am

    First at all you look like you are wearing desgner pieces!! I really appreciated your tips! they are very good. And i’m impressed how you really have a budget of 75$ WOW!!!

  • Reply Siffat Haider April 27, 2017 at 9:11 am

    This may be one of my favourite looks on you, yet! It’s amazing that you set yourself a budget for shopping, I’m awful like that, I just buy whatever catches my eye lol! On a side note, red lipstick looks amazing on you!

  • Reply districtofchic April 27, 2017 at 8:31 am

    Wow! Good for you with your $75/month budget – you always look amazing so I am very very impressed!

    District of Chic

  • Reply Cindy Elena April 27, 2017 at 8:17 am

    Great tips! I never thought about having a monthly spending budget and it makes total sense, it’s definitely something I’m going to start doing.
    xo | Cindy

  • Reply Laura April 27, 2017 at 8:07 am

    Love that gorgeous dress on you! And the heels are fabulous!

  • Reply Jill April 27, 2017 at 6:50 am

    Thank you for sharing your tips! Keeping a list is such a great idea! Your dress is gorgeous! Love the pops of red!

    Doused In Pink

  • Reply Meghan Conard April 27, 2017 at 6:00 am

    Beautiful! I love this look – that dress is gorgeous with pops of red! Great budget tips!

  • Reply Simona . April 27, 2017 at 5:53 am

    How gorgeous you are Amy! Those shoes are fabulous and so is the dress! <3

  • Reply Rachelle April 27, 2017 at 5:41 am

    These are some awesome tips and you look stunning.


  • Reply Mes Voyages à Paris April 27, 2017 at 4:21 am

    I’m obsessed with this shoes!! I love them!
    Mónica Sors

  • Reply Currently Wearing April 27, 2017 at 1:44 am

    Hi Amy,
    Thank you for sharing your tips. I love this dress and your heels. The whole look is gorgeous.
    Big hugs,

  • Reply nyashanicole April 27, 2017 at 12:50 am

    Wow u still always look good with such a budget. I guess buying pieces that can easily be re-worn is key 🙂

  • Reply Beth Adams Mishoe April 26, 2017 at 10:50 pm

    This post is great! I wish I stuck to a budget like you, I am way to much of a shopaholic. I think I should try out your way and make my husband so much happier. I do love adding older pieces into my wardrobe and showing how you can make items versatile.
    LOVE this dress and those heels.


  • Reply Lorena Lorena April 26, 2017 at 10:27 pm

    Beautiful. The dress and earrings are spectacular together and somehow remind me of D&G.

  • Reply Jessica April 26, 2017 at 9:56 pm

    This dress!! It’s such a cute and chic outfit on you!

    Jessica |

  • Reply beautygirl24 April 26, 2017 at 8:55 pm

    Love you in red so much! And I completely agree with your tips! My problem is that many items I show on my blog are not new, so it’s frustrating when I can’t link exact pieces. Most people want the exact item and not similar. I think you’re wonderful for being so honest about getting gifted clothing (something I aspire to). Love these posts!

  • Reply Sarah Bell April 26, 2017 at 7:46 pm

    What a stunning look, Amy Ann! I love how you brought out the red in your dress with those stunning heels and earrings. Your style is so inspiring – thank you for the tips!

    Trendy & Tidy

  • Reply Jessi Malay April 26, 2017 at 6:39 pm

    Gorgeous look babe! I love the dress paired with those shoes… so chic! <3

    XO Jessi,

  • Reply Rita Gallech April 26, 2017 at 5:07 pm

    Great post dear, thanks for sharing

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