How to Stay Stylish on a Budget (Budget Q&A)

April 26, 2017

I just wanted to say again thank you for all your fun questions. I have really enjoyed this Q&A series, and I hope you have too! You can see blogging here and personal here. One of the things I got asked about quite a bit last week was budget. I am not sure whether people were curious about my budget specifically or how to stay stylish on a budget or both. I’m going to do my best to touch on both topics on today’s post.

I’ve actually written posts about these very topics in the past if you want to go into the archives. You can find an older post on staying stylish on a budget here and a fashion philosophy post here both of which contain personal budget info. I am happy to report I still agree with everything I said and may have even said it better, so they are worth a read if you are curious. I do have a few updates below. Thanks to my mom, one of my core beliefs about fashion is that you do not have to spend a fortune to stay stylish. Of course I love a good splurge now and then like anyone, but it’s definitely possible to feel good about yourself while maintaining a budget.

how to stay stylish on a budget, embroidered white dress, red tassel heels, red clutch

How to Stay Stay Stylish on a Budget

  1. Buy pieces that can be worn multiple ways – This is key in my wardrobe. I am always on the lookout for pieces that easily transition from work to weekend. This top is a great example shown for work here and weekend here.
  2. Keep a List – Keeping a list of what you actually want helps you avoid impulse buys. I am always temped by the “this is on sale and it fits” when the reality is that I don’t need it, and it’s just going to blow my budget.
  3. Get creative – This is perhaps the hardest when you are standing in your closet running late before work, but if you get creative with your wardrobe you can come up with totally new outfits out of what you already own. To me this is most easily done with layers. Add a bottom layer as a top like a sleeveless button up you would normally wear under a blazer on top of a fitted long sleeve top. Consider layering a slip dress that you would normally wear alone only in the summer over a long sleeve top. I actually just did this for work with the dress you see here and the bell sleeve top you see here. It was so fun!
  4. Shop sales – I guess this one kind of goes without saying…
  5. Sign up for email lists – This may sound counter intuitive, but I say sign up for email lists! My reasons are two-fold. If you go in a store and fall in love with something, but it is not on sale and over your price range, if you sign up for the emails you will know the second it goes on sale. You can snag it immediately. The second reason is if you happen to buy something not on sale and it goes on sale the next day (don’t you hate it when that happens) you will know so that you can call the store and ask for a credit. Many stores will do this: LOFT, Gap, Old Navy, etc.
  6. Shop at local resale shops – I love resale shops! I both shop at them and take my clothes I no longer wear into them. It’s a win/win because I get clothes at great prices and make money to buy more. Just keeping it real…
  7. Don’t spend much on trendy pieces – Today’s dress is a perfect example. Embroidery is a big trend right now. I love it. I am all in when it comes to trends, but I don’t always want to invest big bucks on them. Find stores that sell trendy options afforably so if next season it is out, you won’t be out big dollars.

My Budget as a Blogger

I have a monthly clothing budget of $75 which I have had for years (see previous posts linked above). It hasn’t changed as my blog has grown. To be honest, I actually spend less of our personal money now that my blog has grown. One of the obvious perks of being a fashion blogger is being gifted clothing. Since I am able to pick what clothing I get, I always try to pick anything I have on my personal wish list or anything I want for the upcoming season. Because of this, I don’t need to shop on my own much.

Of course there are always times I do purchase things on my own. For example, in the last month I bought the blue heels seen here, and my mom was kind enough to buy me the two LOFT tops seen here and here. Otherwise everything you’ve seen on the blog this month is either gifted or not new. I know what you may be thinking: those heels are more than $75. True, but not by much ($5 to be exact) and the income I made from my blog this month exceeds the difference. Being gifted clothing and also making money through my affiliate networks and sponsored content has allowed my blog truly become a source of income since I both spend less shopping and make money.

staying stylish on a budget, embroidered white dress, red tassel heels, red clutch how to stay stylish on a budget, embroidered white dress, red tassel heels, red clutch how to stay stylish on a budget, embroidered white dress, red tassel heels, red clutch

Outfit Details

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  • Reply ADA May 5, 2017 at 1:04 pm

    I cannot believe how little you spend monthly but that is great that you have a big following now as a blogger with lots of opportunities. You need to teach me your ways, I need to grow my blog. I love this dress and how you styled it. A couple weeks ago (around Easter) I wore a similar embroidery dress styled similarly too (here: Love and need those stunning earrings.

    Lastly, I also wanted you to check out my special feature on you today and on how much I love your blog and your style. Hope it pus a smile on your face, this weekend, Amy Ann!

  • Reply TheStyleRawr May 4, 2017 at 4:05 pm

    I really admire you sticking to a fashion budget and sticking to it! This dress and those heels are beautiful.

    T x

  • Reply Yiotou_La April 29, 2017 at 2:05 am

    I must admit I clicked so fast when I saw this picture of this lovely white embroidered dress, soooo beautiful and perfect for spring!!!! I cleaned my closet a month ago and I need to do some serious shopping!! Happy Saturday lovely! xx


  • Reply Mikéla Davelyn April 28, 2017 at 7:08 pm

    Great tips and I absolutely love that dress! That flower pattern looks absolutely stunning with those white sleeves. Great colors and style!

    xo, mikéla /

  • Reply Ruth Maldonado April 28, 2017 at 4:11 pm

    Love the honesty here! I am able to get a few things through blogging but my budget is limited so trying to find new ways to wear what I already have is key! I so love your earrings! A great statement piece!

  • Reply bojanakrienke April 28, 2017 at 8:47 am

    Thanks so much for sharing your expertise Amy. As I read your post, I kept nodding my head as I follow all of your rules already and it was nice to get affirmation. Your outfit is divine here, the bold/fun shoes with the white embroidery just screams fashion perfection. Always great to see what you are wearing.

  • Reply Heather Noire April 27, 2017 at 8:29 pm

    I love your tips and defiantly your style is gorgeous here! Love the red and pops of pattern it is so classy and fun 🙂

  • Reply Kileen April 27, 2017 at 6:36 pm

    Great post! In love with your heels and those earrings!

    cute & little

  • Reply Chloe April 27, 2017 at 5:32 pm

    I am really loving these tips and your dress! I should definitely set up a monthly budget on how much I spend on clothes! I always try to get things that are sale! 🙂

    xo, Chloe //

  • Reply Liz H. April 27, 2017 at 4:31 pm

    Omg this dress!!! Ahhh must have! These are such great tips too!!


  • Reply Shea Sayers April 27, 2017 at 3:49 pm

    I definitely have a similar philosophy when it comes to shopping on a budget. I also try to keep a running list of my “closet holes” so I will (hopefully) not just buy random things on sale when I’m shopping. I also like to subscribe to store emails, although I use so my inbox isn’t flooded.
    I loved this Q&A series Amy Ann, it was a lot of fun to read!

  • Reply Jackie April 27, 2017 at 2:26 pm

    I still love those red heels on you so much! They are just so much fun. These are some great tips! I can’t say I have a monthly budget for clothes because some months I don’t actually buy anything. But if I do shop I usually try to stay under $100 max and I’m always on the lookout for sales too. And if there is an investment piece I want then I’ll save up for it. I also find having a clean and organized closet keeps me from impulse buying too, it’s easy to get suckered into a sale!lol Hope you’re having a great week.

    xo, Jackie

  • Reply Lyddiegal April 27, 2017 at 1:42 pm

    That is great you are able to stick to your $75 budget! I always struggle with my budget and tend to go through ‘all or nothing’ phases. If you do a lot of shopping online, you should try the app Slice. It tracks your packages so you always get delivery notifications, and further more, tracks the price of what you bought, will alert you if there is a price drop and automatically send an email to customer service on your behalf!

  • Reply Denise Kokinis April 27, 2017 at 10:31 am

    Gosh I wish I was only spending 75 per month! I know you have had that budget for a while… I remember reading that a year or so back!
    I love that your budget and I have been trying to get better about rewearing and switching up pieces!

    Denise | Fashion Love Letters

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