Lace Up Sweater

September 23, 2016

How fun is this lace up sweater (it’s not maternity)? I love the blush color, and it gave me a good excuse to wear my Chloe dupe patchwork bag again. I just love the colors in it. Oh, and the $30 price tag. I paired my sweater with distressed denim. This has been one of my favorite maternity pairs. I cannot believe it’s the first time they are making a blog appearance as they are my weekend go-to. I’m linking a couple non-maternity favorites below.

Not sure why, but I don’t have many words today. Here’s a few random things I’ve been doing and/or thinking about.

  • I’m just finished reading Shauna Niequist’s latest book, Present Over Perfect. If you’re a fellow struggler in this area, it’s a good read. She’s one of my favorite authors. Her book Bread and Wine inspired me to suggest our monthly girl’s dinner. We intentionally share the real parts of our life with each other over a great meal. Two years later it is still going strong and remains a highlight of my month. This book really made me think about how I respond to God’s love and how that plays out in my life.
  • Russ and I have been using our spare time to arrange shower gifts and clean out closets to get ready for baby.
  • We also just finished redoing our upstairs bathroom (what will be the kid bath). I love how it turned out! You can follow along with the progress on snapchat (straightastyle) and/or Insta stories.
  • This turkey meatball recipe is my current favorite. I usually double the recipe. We’ve eaten them alone with marina and a salad, over cauliflower rice, etc.
  • Did you know my due date is December 28th and Russ’s birthday is Christmas day? We may have two Christmas babies! It makes my heart so happy.
  • Speaking of Russ’s birthday, he turns 30 this year. We’re planning to celebrate in October which is shaping up to be a fun and busy month.
  • Yesterday I read Lily’s post about infertility. I’ve gotten to know her through blogging and love her heart. If you or a loved one are struggling, I recommend reading. You can also find our story linked in my about section. If anyone ever needs a listening ear, I’m here!
  • Do you all prefer Snapchat or Insta stories? I would love to connect with you more, and I am trying to be better about using them. Now I am just confused about where to post…

lace-up-sweater-distressed-denim-granny-heels-chloe-dup-bag-stylish-maternity-outfit-maternity-fashionlace-up-sweater-distressed-denim-granny-heels-chloe-dup-bag-stylish-maternity-outfit-maternity-fashion lace-up-sweater-distressed-denim-granny-heels-chloe-dup-bag-stylish-maternity-outfit-maternity-fashionlace-up-sweater-distressed-denim-granny-heels-chloe-dup-bag-stylish-maternity-outfit-maternity-fashion lace-up-sweater-distressed-denim-granny-heels-chloe-dup-bag-stylish-maternity-outfit-maternity-fashion

Lace Up Sweater

Lace Up Sweater c/o Chicwish // Maternity Jeans and Non-Maternity Option, Option (I have and love them too!) // Chloe Dupe Bag // Purple Peridot Tassel Earrings

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  • Reply Aman garcia sanchez September 24, 2016 at 9:30 am

    Que pasada de fotos. Estas increible. Combinas la ropa de una manera muy especial. Un besito y te invito a visitar mi blog.
    Las siete maravillas de Amanda.

  • Reply Atsuna Matsui September 24, 2016 at 2:02 am

    $30 for that sweater?? Such a steal!! And I just love the way you styled it here.


  • Reply Deffinatlyshaz September 24, 2016 at 2:00 am

    Love the sweater. It’s such a good tone you.

  • Reply Hong Hiu Ching September 23, 2016 at 11:00 pm

    I actually am very into the lace up trend! Nice pick!

    xo Margaret |

  • Reply Candace September 23, 2016 at 9:11 pm

    That bag looks just like the real thing! What a great deal. I love that laced up sweater. So cool that it will work post baby 🙂

  • Reply Jackie September 23, 2016 at 8:19 pm

    That is such a cute sweater! I’ve had my eye on it recently, and it just looks extra cute with your baby bump!

    Something About That

  • Reply Chow Down USA September 23, 2016 at 8:17 pm

    Love this cozy neutral lace up sweater and how it’s even laced up on the sleeves! It’s so adorable how you may have two Christmas babies, what an extra joyful holiday!

    P.S. I already used my Pink Blush gift card and made it stretch to 4 items, thanks so much Amy!! 🙂

    Chow Down USA

  • Reply Cielo Fronteras September 23, 2016 at 8:15 pm

    I looove the lace up trend! So nice to see it in fall outfits! Great sweater! =)

    – Cielo
    Mermaid in Heels

  • Reply Euge Etcheverry September 23, 2016 at 7:42 pm

    You look amazing! Love the sweater!
    Obsessed Fashion Blog

  • Reply Bella Pummarola September 23, 2016 at 6:58 pm

    You look gorgeous! Yay for Christmas babies, and how awesome would it be if daddy and baby shared their birthday 🙂

    Bella Pummarola

  • Reply Dominique September 23, 2016 at 6:00 pm

    So stylish! This look is getting me excited for Fall and knitwear!! xx

  • Reply Meagan Brandon September 23, 2016 at 4:18 pm

    From the lace-up sweater to your distressed denim and block heels, I love everything about this look! I know what you mean about having complete writers’ block sometimes…it’s the worst, right? But you came up with a great post anyway! Sometimes it’s good to just talk about whatever’s on your mind. Hope you and your hubby have a great weekend!


  • Reply Whitney 'Nic' James September 23, 2016 at 4:11 pm

    You look great. The sweater looks so cozy! And to have 2 Christmas babies would be awesome. 🙂


  • Reply Ruth @ My Little Nest September 23, 2016 at 4:08 pm

    Love the blush lace up! Your bump is just adorable! Hope you have a fun fabulous weekend! I saw your insta story about being spontaneous! Enjoy it before baby arrives 🙂

  • Reply kelsey bang September 23, 2016 at 3:02 pm

    that would be so awesome to have 2 christmas babes 🙂 hehe super cute look!

  • Reply Larissa September 23, 2016 at 3:00 pm

    It must be so exciting to have a due date so close to the end of the year and not to know if it will be a 2016 or a 2017 baby 😀
    Beautiful post dear! Thank you a lot for your last comment on my blog : )

    Sending much love!


    Rosa Larissa Klara

    conscious lifestyle of mine

  • Reply Britney September 23, 2016 at 2:31 pm

    Your bump is growing! I’ll definitely have to check out those meatballs, they sound delish! Loving your distressed denim too.

  • Reply WhatWouldVWear September 23, 2016 at 2:29 pm

    You look so beautiful and I love the sweater! Also, I prefer IG stories over Snapchat. I’m no longer really using Snapchat which is perhaps sad but I seem to have more people watch my stories on IG rather than Snap. Just a few cents from me. 🙂 Happy weekend!

    xoxo, Vanessa

  • Reply Laura September 23, 2016 at 1:41 pm

    That sweater is so cute! I love the oversized lace up and the color! You can’t go wrong with blush!

  • Reply Emily Green September 23, 2016 at 1:39 pm

    Your monthly girls dinner sounds awesome- definitely like something I’d want to start/ be a part of! And I’m more of an Insta stories person- I have WAY more people watch those than snapchat, and way more followers, I also watch those more, it seems easier to me! Love this darling top on you!

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