Wondering how to style a double front door? Well, I was too! When we moved into our new house I had never had a front porch to style. One of the things on our wish list in a house was a porch! Having the double door was an added bonus. I spent some time Pinteresting ideas and ultimately love how ours turned out! You can see more on my reel here.
How to Style a Double Front Door
Double Door Mat
I think they key to styling any front door really has three elements: a mat, wreath, and some kind of planter/greenery. Let me give you the details on what I did with ours.
Did you know they make double front door mats? To be honest, I did not! I love the layered mat look, so I went in search of one that would fit our double doors. Our doors are 60 inches, or 5 feet long. I tried one from Amazon that was a 3×5, but to be honest, the width of it was too much for me. When you added a smaller mat on top of it, it looked tiny with the wider width. A 3×5 is a really common size, and I had some trouble finding something different. Ultimately I landed on this one from Kohls. It’s a 2×5 and super affordable!! Then I purchased this “WELCOME” mat from Amazon to layer over it. They fit perfectly together!

I love the look of a boxwood wreath! It is just so classic and works all year long. I found these 16.5 wreaths which were the perfect size for our doors. They are really amazing quality. I picked a clear wreath hanger to use with them. The true star of the show is the bows though. I feel like they really make a statement! I decided to splurge on them, and I am so glad I did! They are from Grace Harris, and I cannot say enough about the quality. They arrive pre-tied and with a wire on the back ready to hang. The fabric is top notch. I have just been so impressed by them!!

Since our doors have a wall on one side, I was a little unsure what I should do as far as planters. I ended up opting to do just one on the right side. At first I bought a shorter, white planter. Well boy was I wrong! First, the white totally blended into our house. Second, the height was all wrong. You really need a contrasting color to your house color AND you need height. This is the planter I ended up with, and it is super sturdy plastic. I opted for a faux fern from Amazon. I love the quality of them and that I will not have to mess with maintaining a real plant. Ha!
Let me know what you think and if you want to see more home content! In case you missed it, I shared a little about our playroom organization here.

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