Why I Stopped Using Disqus for Blog Comments

January 25, 2019

If you are a regular reader, you may have noticed something changed a little this week. I wanted to address briefly why I stopped using Disqus for blog comments. Some time ago, I switched to it preferring it for ease, the way it nested replies, and the way it emailed comments to me as an administrator. I also actually liked it as a commenter on other blogs.

Why I Stopped Using Disqus for Blog Comments

Recently I started noticing some spammy looking sponsored links and photos in a large block above my comments. Russ is actually the one who pointed it out to me. I do not currently run ads on my blog, though I am looking into it as a revenue source right now. I was baffled as to why these ads would be showing up on my blog without my permission. In a quest to figure out what they were and where they were coming from, I searched my blog for settings that might have changed or a plug-in that might be causing them. I also noticed a few ads within my comments.

Not putting two and two together, I posted a photo of the ads and asked on a Facebook group I am a member of. To my surprise, everyone told me Disqus had recently rolled out ads within their comments! You now have to PAY to have them removed, and they put them on my blog without asking me. If you use Disqus and do not have it on your blog yet, I believe they are rolling it out slowly. It will come.

I immediately began the process of backing up my comments and removing Disqus. All of the people in the group said they loved the regular WordPress comment feature and actually have ended up with more comments on their blog because users do not have to log in to comment. If you are a blogger, what are your thoughts? If you are a non-blogger and reader, have you noticed? Do you have a preference? I’d love to hear your thoughts int he comments!

gorgeous longe sleeve floral mini dress with over the knee boots and a suede jacket long sleeve floral dress styled for winter

Outfit Details – Suede Jacket on Sale

A few words about this outfit. Is this dress not so gorgeous?! It comes in plus and petite too which I always appreciate. My exact jacket is on sale in several colors! I also have the tan in the BLANKNYC version which is also on sale here and here. It’s a great investment. I’ve had mine for several seasons and always get a lot of wear out of it.

suede moto jacket with floral dress and over the knee boots how to wear a short dress in winter blue floral dress with blue suede jacket cute short blue floral dress

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  • Reply Mohammed Chouaih February 15, 2020 at 12:04 pm

    great post thanks evryone

  • Reply Nicki February 10, 2020 at 10:34 am

    Thanks for this article for insightful about disqus


  • Reply Artistila April 19, 2019 at 2:48 am

    Thanks for letting everyone know about this annoying update

  • Reply David John February 5, 2019 at 11:14 pm

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  • Reply Kathryn January 30, 2019 at 1:16 pm

    Oh man, that’s awful! I noticed the change and was curious as to why you decided to make it, since I also have appreciated the ease in which I can use Disqus. After reading this, I 100% see why you changed. I’ll definitely have to be on the lookout for ads showing up on my own blog. How did you back up your comments – was that through Disqus or WordPress itself?

    Kathryn • simplykk.com

  • Reply Angela January 30, 2019 at 12:36 pm

    I can’t believe that! Going to have to watch for that. I really like posting on blogs that make it easy – if I have to click through a million pictures to prove “I’m not a robot”, I sometimes get too frustrated and leave. Much prefer simplicity!


  • Reply LORENA January 29, 2019 at 2:07 pm

    I absolutely love your dress.
    For me it works either way, I have no preference.

  • Reply Hena Tayeb January 28, 2019 at 9:24 am

    You look great!
    It’s always easier to comment when you don’t have to sign up and register for things. But that is really bad on Disquis’ part. Hopefully with more users like you spreading the word they will have to change their policies or lose users.



  • Reply Jessica January 27, 2019 at 8:37 pm

    This is something worth considering indeed. Anyway, lovely ensemble you have here dear. Cute dress you have there underneath the classic suede jacket. And yes, can’t go wrong with those boots!

    Jessica | notjessfashion.com

  • Reply Jill Foster January 27, 2019 at 9:23 am

    As a non-blogger, but a blog-reader I won’t comment if I have to go through a whole process of logging in. Love being able to just type my thoughts and “post”.

  • Reply Tina January 27, 2019 at 1:11 am

    I enjoyed using disqus on your blog and commenting on other blogs but was too lazy to figure out how to install it myself on my site. But wow I can’t believe they recently made that change rolling out ads. That is terrible! Regular wordpress comments FTW then!!


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