Real Thoughts on New York Fashion Week

August 28, 2017

Hi Friends! I am writing this in advance because today (Monday) I will be happily at the beach with my husband’s family. We go every year together, and this year is Ivy Jean’s first time. We are so excited to see her put her little toes in the sand for the first time and experience the roar of the ocean. There’s nothing quite like it. I’ve been thinking about how I do a poor job of sharing much personal on here through no one’s fault of my own. I often default to outfit details assuming no one cares much about anything else. That may be very true. Feel free to look at just the pictures. I can promise I won’t be offended, but I plan to share a little more when I have something to share.

Real Thoughts on New York Fashion Week

On the heels of getting back from our beach trip, I’ll be repacking my suitcase to head to New York for Fashion Week with my sweet mama. I had the pleasure of going with her two years ago, and we had the time of our lives. I got a last minute invite to the rewardStyle party, and we booked an equally last minute trip. Today I thought I’d share some real thoughts on New York Fashion Week.

This year I got a not so late invite to the rewardStyle party and had been considering going for a while hoping to make a bit more of the trip as not quite so much a novice. I’m chuckling to myself as I type that because boy do I feel like a novice. The truth is I’m not sure there is anything quite like Fashion Week to make you insecure. At least it does for me. As I send out inquiries asking for show invites and hear nothing back, try to plan outfits for events I don’t know I’ll actually be going to, and read forums of bloggers who already have things lined up and seem to know way more than I do, I found myself feeling bad.

Then I sat back and thought to myself… get a grip. You are going to New York with your mom. That alone is amazing! I’ve been invited to several things I’m thrilled about. Who cares if my calendar doesn’t have any blank space – more time for shopping! Last time I went, I met bloggers in person I still keep in contact with and love! I’m not a big blogger by any means. I don’t have any false pretenses about backstage passes and special treatment. I am thankful for every opportunity that comes my way because of this little space, and I am flat grateful I even get to go to Fashion Week. So, I am determined I will quit stressing about the events and the outfits and have fun.

hi low hem peplum top with embroidery, jeans, marc fisher vida sandals, madewell cropped denim, fall outfit idea inspirationhi low hem peplum top with embroidery, jeans, marc fisher vida sandals, madewell cropped denim, fall outfit idea inspiration hi low hem peplum top with embroidery, jeans, marc fisher vida sandals, madewell cropped denim, fall outfit idea inspiration hi low hem peplum top with embroidery, jeans, marc fisher vida sandals, madewell cropped denim, fall outfit idea inspiration hi low hem peplum top with embroidery, jeans, marc fisher vida sandals, madewell cropped denim, fall outfit idea inspiration hi low hem peplum top with embroidery, jeans, marc fisher vida sandals, madewell cropped denim, fall outfit idea inspiration hi low hem peplum top with embroidery, jeans, marc fisher vida sandals, madewell cropped denim, fall outfit idea inspiration hi low hem peplum top with embroidery, jeans, marc fisher vida sandals, madewell cropped denim, fall outfit idea inspiration

Blue on Blue Outfit

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  • Reply The Modern Savvy August 28, 2017 at 7:05 am

    Totally, TOTALLY loved your perspective. It’s so true. I’m not going but going years ago I definitely had moments of the same initial thoughts. BUt that’s nuts — NYC, Fashion Week, just roaming the streets with friends (or your mama!) is incredible. Enjoy every minute! And, ps: Love this outfit on you!


  • Reply thevelvetrunway August 28, 2017 at 7:03 am

    I loved this post! I can imagine how intimidating NYFW must be, but it’s great that you get to spend some time with your Mom.
    Hope you’re having a lovely time at the beach – I’m sure Ivy Jean must love the sand!
    On another note, I love everything about this outfit – the floral print is gorgeous
    Julia x

  • Reply Kelly Kalinkewicz August 28, 2017 at 7:03 am

    I think this is such a great attitude to have! NYFW is super intimidating but it sounds like you will have a blast regardless! So true that no matter what you’re doing, it’s just so fun to be in NYC!

    Rosy Outlook

  • Reply theblackblush blog August 28, 2017 at 6:29 am

    Such a pretty casual look!

    I can imagine how intimidating NYFW must be! I hope you have an amazing time with your mom there!

    The Black Blush

  • Reply Katherine Swain August 28, 2017 at 5:59 am

    Thank you for this post!! Your mindset is so healthy and I love your confidence. Sounds like it will be a blast and I can’t wait to hear about it!

    Katherine |

  • Reply Living on Cloud Nine August 28, 2017 at 5:51 am

    Perfect little top!! I hoe you having the sweetest beach time!! Bet Ivy is loving it!

  • Reply Whitney August 28, 2017 at 5:37 am

    You a amazing and will have so much fun in NY! Fashion week is so intimidating and just picking out outfits is hard. You always look amazing and your confidence looks even better. Have so much fun with your family this week!!

    Whitney & Blaire
    Peaches In A Pod

  • Reply Rachelle August 28, 2017 at 5:21 am

    Have fun at Fashion week and I’m sure it will be a blast. Also loving this cute top.


  • Reply Meagan Brandon August 28, 2017 at 3:28 am

    It’s so true about fashion week and how it can make you insecure! I always got nervous during Milan Fashion Week, whether over selecting my outfits or trying to get into shows. But in the end, even if you only get to a few events, the experience itself is what matters. And how special that you get to go with your mom. Hope you have a wonderful beach vacation!


  • Reply Mica August 28, 2017 at 3:22 am

    Oh love that blue floral blouse! 🙂 Your velvet bag is a nice touch with it too.

    I’m sure you’ll have a great time at Fashion week. It’s fun you get to go – I know many people dream about it, so it’s a great experience no matter how many things you’re invited too. Better to go to a few things you really love than have a boring time attending things just because you feel you have to be busy! I’ve turned down fashion week here a few times as it’s not my kind of thing – but I never thought about networking and making friends with other bloggers. I’m just not good in crowds so probably wouldn’t enjoy myself, haha!

    Hope you had a great weekend and enjoyed the beach 🙂

    Away From The Blue Blog

  • Reply tiphaine marie August 28, 2017 at 2:40 am

    you’re so right!! its better to enjoy what you have rather than feeling bad because other bloggers are doing other stuff 🙂 i’m sure you’ll have an amazing time! enjoy New York :))

    x tiphaine

  • Reply Natali August 28, 2017 at 2:23 am

    Exactly! You made such a great point! I feel equally about the fashion weeks, I’m not a big blogger by any means but I’m not a newcomer and small either so that’s the most “fragile” part of what we’re doing because it’s so easy to feel rejected or as if we’re not “important” enough when it’s totally not like that. There’re so many perks to going and being part of something so inspiring and amazing with or without a completely filled schedule. You going to NYC with your mom is something I’d love to do with my mom and also meet new, inspiring, like minded people… These are the most valuable memories that you can have. Everything else is nice but so short term lived.

  • Reply Nevena Krstic August 28, 2017 at 2:14 am

    I hope you’re having a lovely time on holiday! And I’m sure New York and Fashion week with your mum is going to be so much fun! 🙂 xx

  • Reply Jacquard Flower August 28, 2017 at 2:10 am

    Aww have a lovely holiday and have a lovely time in NY with your mum. This outfit is one of my favourites of yours the top is so is pretty and I really love the blue bag. Gemma x

  • Reply yuka August 28, 2017 at 2:04 am

    the head to toe blue looks so cute! something I would have never thought of doing, but it looks amazing!

  • Reply PoseandRepeat August 28, 2017 at 1:46 am

    Looking amazing babe, those jeans fit you perfectly!
    xx Rubi
    Pose & Repeat

  • Reply Jackie August 28, 2017 at 1:37 am

    I’m so happy that you are heading to fashion week with your mom. What a fun mother daughter experience and memories you two can look back on. I’m heading NYFW for the first time myself and to be honest it all feel very intimidating. I’m trying to have the same attitude and not stress about it and worry about being a shy person…easier said then done. Maybe we can meet up 🙂
    Hope you guys are having fun at the beach.

    xo, Jackie

  • Reply Violette August 28, 2017 at 1:09 am

    It’s so cute to go with your mom! I love these mother/daugther trip and that sounds like a lot of fun! Enjoy it!

  • Reply Louis Dupond August 28, 2017 at 1:07 am

    A very nice outfit and great shoes; already a “fall hit” I think 😉

  • Reply Publicist in Pearls August 28, 2017 at 12:30 am

    So sad that I’ll miss it this year! Love that you are going with your mom — that’s so sweet. Also, adore this outfit — such a cute top!

    xo, Jennifer

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