Embroidered Tie Front Blouse + Style on the Daily Linkup

May 24, 2017

Whew, it’s been one of those weeks, friends. Ivy got her 6 month shots last week and had kind of had a hard time with them. We sold our house and bought another one. This is something Russ and I are really excited about! We live in a suburb now and will be moving closer in to where we both work, but it does mean packing. Boo! I have a couple of really fun blogging related events coming up that I am very excited about, and I am also preparing for an out of town wedding and leaving Ivy for the first time (she’ll be in good hands with her dad while I’m gone). It’s all the best kind of busy (except for Ivy’s shots), but my mind kind of feels like it is on overdrive. You know the feeling?

Related: if you live in the Tulsa area and want to start a blog or have one and want to learn more, myself and a couple of other bloggers will be participating in a panel discussion about The Business of Blogging at 36 Degrees North on June 8th. Join us for a happy hour and then to talk all things blogging! We’ll be sharing our tips and tricks. You can find out more about the event here and RSVP your interest.

Anyway, enough about all of that. Today I am sharing the cutest embroidered tie front blouse. I paired it with my flares for a boho vibe. I absolutely love this blouse in real life. It has the prettiest embroidery detailing. I won’t lie, I don’t feel like it photographed that well mainly because it’s a bit shapeless with the dolman style sleeves which doesn’t translate well on a blog. You’ll just have to trust me I guess. 😉

embroidered tie front blouse, flares, espadrille wedges, bohoembroidered tie front blouse, flares, espadrille wedges, boho embroidered tie front blouse, flares, espadrille wedges, boho embroidered tie front blouse, flares, espadrille wedges, boho embroidered tie front blouse, flares, espadrille wedges, boho embroidered tie front blouse, flares, espadrille wedges, boho

Embroidered Tie Front Blouse

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Link Up Hosts:

Join us to share your Style on the Daily by linking up your latest fashion-related posts below! If you link up, we ask that you link back to your hosts Amy Ann and Gina and follow us on the social media platform of your choice. Thank you!

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  • Reply Jessi Afshin May 24, 2017 at 6:53 am

    You pull off those flared jeans so well! Love that cute top. The flowers on it are so pretty!


  • Reply Dawn Lucy May 24, 2017 at 6:47 am

    Just moving is enough to make anyone feel crazy busy! Excited to see the new place! Kisses to Ivy. And love your flares, duh. Legs for days you babe!

    Dawn Lucy

  • Reply Rachel Spross May 24, 2017 at 6:46 am

    That top is so darn cute! I love it paired with the flared jeans 🙂


  • Reply Rach May 24, 2017 at 6:44 am

    Congrats on the new house! Sounds like you have a lot going on! Those flared jeans look amazing on you!


  • Reply Laura May 24, 2017 at 6:37 am

    I hate it when things I love in real life don’t turn out well in photos, but I still see the beauty of this blouse! Hope your packing and move goes well! I don’t know how you do it all!

  • Reply Jill May 24, 2017 at 6:29 am

    Packing is no fun but it’s exciting you are moving into a new home! I love that top styled with your flares!

    Doused In Pink

  • Reply Blaire Bingham May 24, 2017 at 6:23 am

    The embroidery detail on this top is so pretty! I love the way you styled it with the flare denim.

    xo, Whitney and Blaire
    Peaches In A Pod

  • Reply Kelsey B. May 24, 2017 at 6:21 am

    Oh, packing and unpacking is just no fun! But a new house is always exciting!! How hope the move goes smoothly.

  • Reply Rachel May 24, 2017 at 6:14 am

    What a cute top! I love the embroidery and the tied front. So perfect with your flare jeans!

    xo, Rachel
    A Blonde’s Moment

  • Reply Jaymie Ashcraft May 24, 2017 at 5:48 am

    Adorable top!! Good luck with all the packing!!

  • Reply Biana Perez May 24, 2017 at 5:47 am

    I absolutely adore embroidery and even more when it’s on a blush blouse!! those jeans are so elongating too – they are great!! Congrats on the new house – that’s so fun! xo, Biana –BlovedBoston

  • Reply Living on Cloud Nine May 24, 2017 at 5:30 am

    That blouse is YOU all the way!!!! So sweet and lovely! And way to rock those great flares!!! YAY to getting a new home, packing is a lot of work but you’ll have so much fun putting your sweet spin on your new place!! Congrats!

  • Reply Meagan Brandon May 24, 2017 at 5:19 am

    Buying a new house is so exciting but I know how exhausting it is to move around! Our stuff is finally supposed to arrive next week and I am both dreading and looking forward to unpacking and finding a new home for everything. Sounds like you are staying busy in the best way. Congratulations! 🙂


  • Reply Marta C May 24, 2017 at 5:17 am

    Congrats on your new home! Sounds like you’ve been really busy but in a good way! Loving this pretty top!

  • Reply Kirsten van Brederode May 24, 2017 at 5:10 am

    Congratulations on getting a new house! I love your blouse, perfect for spring!
    xoxo Kirsten

  • Reply Rachelle May 24, 2017 at 4:46 am

    Congrats on the new house, so exciting. Love this pretty top so much.


  • Reply Louis Dupond May 24, 2017 at 4:02 am

    Lovely outfit; I like your top 😉


  • Reply Rosanna Briguglio May 24, 2017 at 3:24 am

    What a pretty blouse, perfect for this time of year!
    Have a lovely day 🙂
    Rosanna x

  • Reply Carylee May 24, 2017 at 2:59 am

    This is gorgeous and right up my alley! I love it paired with the flares! And good luck with everything! I know how stressful moving can be and I don’t envy that!
    Caryl | http://morepiecesofme.com

  • Reply Katrina Fernandez May 24, 2017 at 2:23 am

    You pull-off perfectly the flare jeans, I’m planning to wear flare jeans again. 🙂 Thanks for inspiring me

    Hope you could drop by my blog Katrina Isha


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