Our Christmas Family Photos

December 3, 2021

We recently did a fall mini photo session with our long time family photographer turned friend, Randy Yeats, at a local Christmas tree farm. Jane Evelyn was in a mood at the session, so I had no idea what kind of photos we were actually going to walk away with. And let me tell you there are some gems in the gallery. But as usual, Randy captured some truly special moments. There’s something about looking at photos that makes you realize what is always right in front of you. I will just never forget longing for what I see here while we were in the midst of infertility and then later trying to adopt. I am beyond grateful to live my everyday life with these miracles. In things you cannot measure, I have more than I’ll ever deserve.

Ivy Jean at 5

Ivy Jean turned 5 in November, and I say this with no motherly bias at all, she is a genuine delight to be around. She loves well and listens easily. If I would let her spend her entire day crafting, she would. She is eager to learn and is quite possibly more emotionally intelligent than I am. Laughter is her love language, and it is her life mission to be best friends with her sister. We have her to thank for the only photo of Janie really smiling. Something my mom heart holds very dear. Her current favorite song has shifted from “Still Rolling Stones” by Lauren Daigle to either “Rudolph” or “Ribbons and Bows” by Kasey Musgraves. If it is her choice, we would read Berenstain Bears exclusively. We love you big Ivy Jean.

Jane Evelyn at 15 Months

Oh Jane Evelyn, boy do you keep us laughing. You are spunky! Your current favorite phrases are “uppa,” “hi there,” “uh oh,” “thank you,” “baby,” “sissy,” and a lot of “no” punctuated by a head shake and piercing eyebrow furrow. We have our Christmas tree up right now, and if you had your way the bottom half would be bare. I walked away for two seconds the other day and came back in to you proudly carrying six ornaments saying, “uh oh.” Any time music comes on you immediately start dancing, and it almost undoes me. You’re just starting to get into babies. You rock them, put them night-night, and pat them. It’s precious. COVID has been a lot of things, but I’m ever so grateful it’s granted us an even closer front row seat to the start of your precious life. We love you big, Jane Evelyn.

Outfit Details

My dress is a super affordable find from Amazon. You can get my boots here. I found both of the girls outfits at my local favorite, Lolly Garden.

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1 Comment

  • Reply Gemma December 3, 2021 at 3:35 am

    Such beautiful photos of a beautiful family!
    Gemma x

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