How a Plant Based Diet Has Helped My Health – Migraines & Fertility

May 6, 2020

I’m back today with part two of my posts on switching to a plant based diet. You can read my first post here which is all about why I switched and what I read. Today I am excited to share how a plant based diet has helped my health. I want to start by saying this is my story and my experience. I am NOT a doctor, but this has been transformative for me. It’s something I feel very thankful for due to the positive health affects primarily in the areas of migraines and infertility. I DID go cold turkey rather than starting slowly. It’s totally a personal choice, but I was looking for immediate health help and more easily saw the results this way.

Migraines and a Plant Based Diet

Since the motivating reason for me to try a plant based diet was my headaches and migraines, I’ll start there! Prior to starting the plant based diet and learning I had Chiari One, I had 6-8 migraine days a month and an almost daily headache to some degree. I was on a monthly shot (Amoivig which did help some) and a daily preventative medicine. I’ll say this, my head affected everything, and I spent my life trying to pretend it didn’t so I could function as a mom, wife, employee, family member, etc.

It took 3 weeks to a month of strict diet changes to start seeing the results. Gradually my headaches decreased to where I can honestly say they are now virtually gone. If not gone, they decreased in severity enough that medicine actually did something for the most part when they did happen.

How a Plant Based Diet Has Helped My Health - Migraines & Fertility, blog post all about the health benefits of a plant based diet. why switch to a plant based diet, vegan diet and health, plant based diet and fertility, plant based diet and infertility, plant based diet and migraines

Infertility and a Plant Based Diet

In this section, it is important to say I did not make these changes with my fertility issues in mind AT ALL. We were 16 months into the adoption process. We joyfully embraced this and were excited about our future as a family. I didn’t realize at the time all the research about how a plant based diet can improve fertility, and Russ and I were not trying to have a baby. I wasn’t tracking my cycle at all in any other way than keeping track of when my period started and stoped which was more for health reasons alone.

All of that being said, I started eating plant based in August of 2019. I had my normal scheduled period in early August and then did not have another period for two months. I even texted my OBGYN nurse to make sure I didn’t need to come into the office, and we jointly decided my body was probably just adjusting to the diet changes. I got my next period in October. I had a normal next cycle, and we found out we were pregnant in early December meaning we got pregnant in November.

I am an active, believing Christian. I can say without a doubt that this precious baby is a gift from God alone. Only he can perform miracles, and only he creates life. That being said, I believe he used 2019 to heal my body from significant health issues and used my diet changes to bring about my pregnancy.

Mood & Energy and a Plant Based Diet

Besides the other, larger things mentioned above, and plant based diet has had other positive affects for me. It has given me more energy! I also feel an overall improvement to my mood. By nature, I am a person who has periods of sadness and a tendency to be more melancholy. While I wish I was an extroverted, energetic, bubbly person, I just am not. Though not a cure, I believe eating a plant based diet has affected my mood positively.

Cholesterol and a Plant Based Diet

My mom is also literally the most supportive human being ever. I told her all about my diet changes, and she decided to try it out as well. Despite being an overall healthy eater, she had high cholesterol and was to the point where medicine would be needed. She went to the doctor 3 weeks after starting to eat plant based, and her cholesterol had dropped 25 points.

How a Plant Based Diet Has Helped My Health Concluding Thoughts

Again, these are just my experiences and personal results on how a plant based diet has helped my health. I never want to be preachy or obnoxious. Just hoping to be a resource when possible and answer your questions! I will be sharing more about what exactly we eat on my next post. Stay tuned and let me know if you have any questions!

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  • Reply Cheryl Shops May 7, 2020 at 3:06 pm

    I’m glad you were able to get relief by changing your diet—that’s so amazing and encouraging!
    Cheryl Shops |

  • Reply Meagan Brandon May 7, 2020 at 2:56 pm

    God is so good! I truly believe everything happens for a reason. I’m so happy for you and love hearing more about your new lifestyle.


  • Reply Jacqui Berry May 7, 2020 at 4:06 am

    Great post, thanks for sharing today. Thanks too for the #linkup Would love to have you join my #chicandstylish #LINKUP today and every Thursday. Jacqui x

  • Reply jodie filogomo May 6, 2020 at 10:16 pm

    Wow…I never thought of it as part of you getting pregnant. I can’t wait to see what you do eat Amy Ann. I am a huge believer that what we eat is our medicine. Yet I’ve never thought to go to a plant based diet. I’ll have to do more research for me. It certainly can’t hurt to try.

  • Reply Rebecca May 6, 2020 at 9:10 pm

    This is so interesting and I’m so glad you’ve found a way to manage your headaches! I would love to hear more about what specifically you eat in an average day.

  • Reply Laura Bambrick May 6, 2020 at 8:40 pm

    This was such an interesting post Amy Ann! Thanks for sharing your experience and your mom’s! High cholesterol runs in my family and my mom is on medication for it. I’m glad you have had so many positive changes from this!

  • Reply Maureen May 6, 2020 at 5:00 pm

    This is a great post Amy. It’s so wonderful to know that your migraine has subsided and is no longer become a deterrent in your daily life. I am truly very happy for your results and experience. It’s also amazing to me that we really don’t know anyone based on their pictures alone. If I didn’t hear you say the words, I would have believed you are energetic, bubbly and extroverted. Thank you for bringing in a dose of reality in those little squares I see on social media or really any social channels. Btw, what are some of your favorite recipes? I am not completely on a plant based diet but I have incorporated more of it in my life more than I have in previous years. I hope your week is off to a great start and happy Wednesday!

    Maureen |

  • Reply Makeup Muddle May 6, 2020 at 11:15 am

    How incredible that God blessed you both with your baby when he did. I have been doing a transition to a plant based diet as I too struggle with migraines, and reading your story really motivates me to keep going! xo

    Gemma | Makeup Muddle

  • Reply Lucy Bertoldi May 6, 2020 at 10:18 am

    Definitely a gift from God! As for the plant- based diet, it’s so wonderful that you have found what is right for your body and health. Great post!

  • Reply Jill May 6, 2020 at 8:37 am

    It’s pretty amazing how much our diets can trigger negative effects on our bodies. I would love to know what you are meal planning!

    Jill – Doused in Pink

  • Reply Shelbee on the Edge May 6, 2020 at 7:55 am

    Amy Ann, this is such a great post with so much fascinating information. We really are what we eat and when we switch to healthier eating, significant changes really do happen. I need to make some serious diet changes myself right now and I have been too lazy to do so. I loved reading your journey. Thank you for sharing this story with us. I hope you all are doing well and staying safe and healthy while you grow that baby!


  • Reply Rosemary Davis May 6, 2020 at 7:53 am

    About 10 years ago I was having stomach issues and ate an entirely plant-based diet. I have a difficult time getting my protein requirements for the day. And slowly, reintroduced some meat back into my diet. But for the most part, I eat mostly a plant-based diet and feel so much better when I do.

  • Reply Kelly R May 6, 2020 at 7:00 am

    This really is so interesting and so great it worked so well for you! I try to eat plant based as much as possible–it’s my hubby who I can’t get fully on board! Thank you for sharing more about this!

    Rosy Outlook 

  • Reply Biana May 6, 2020 at 6:44 am

    My mom suffers from migraines so I will be sharing this with her! So glad that you have found something that works for you and makes you healthier! xo, Biana BlovedBoston

  • Reply Mica May 6, 2020 at 5:47 am

    It’s good you found something that worked for you! When I had health problems a few years ago I went to a dietitian the doctor recommended and it was brilliant – I had to cut out a couple of trigger foods but nothing drastic, so it doesn’t feel like a diet at all and is so easy to just avoid a few things while still staying healthy 🙂

    Thanks for the link up!

    Hope that your week is going well 🙂 We are on week 6 of staying at home but they have started to lift some restrictions which is nice! 🙂

  • Reply Kellyann Rohr May 6, 2020 at 5:22 am

    I’m interested in learning more about what exactly to eat on a plant based diet – do you have any books you recommend?

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