Currently Craving: Spring Shoes

February 23, 2018

I have to be honest, it’s been one of those weeks. I don’t know if it is because she’s started walking or if she is going through a growth spurt, but Ivy Jean has been waking up at night hungry. She is such a good sleeper, so it’s unusual. Then she got a quick (like 10 hour) tummy bug and we were up all night with her. We are wiped y’all!

Shoes sound way more fun to talk about than sleepless nights. 😉 I gotta tell you, I love her so much though! She’s just so darn cute right now (and always). This stage is particularly fun though. I don’t know about you all, but there are soooo many spring shoes out there that I am drooling over. I’ve rounded up a few of my favorites that I am pretty sure I need. Grin. Many come in multiple colors, so be sure to click the black icon below to shop any of these directly.

Spring Shoes – click the icon to shop

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