How to Wear Sock Booties & Why You Need Them

January 19, 2018

Do you recognize these booties from last week’s post about the most flattering outfit I’ve ever worn? I had to restyle them with regular denim so you could see them better. Now how to wear sock booties and why do you need them? Maybe we should back up. What are sock booties? They are a newer style of boot with a soft upper designed to fit tightly to your ankle and look like a sock. I think they are so flattering and really fun. These are my new favorite boot I own which is saying something because I have an embarrassing amount of boots.

Both ways I have shown these are with skinny jeans, but I also love the way they look worn underneath a boyfriend style pair of jeans. You can see an example here. They are really fun with dresses and skirts too. Example here, here, and here. (P.S. If you aren’t following me on Pinterest, I’d love for you to! It’s where I find all my inspiration.) In my opinion, they create a narrow legline. Instead of your leg getting wider at the bottom with a regular boot, these stay close to your skin. I like how they work under looser jeans and flowy skirts to create a clean silhouette. Let me know if you’d like me to do a post here with a skirt or dress too.

This leopard coat is perhaps the oldest thing in my closet. Like, old. I bought it approximately 10 years ago, and I still love it just as much today. A leopard coat is an item I highly recommend adding to your wardrobe. Luckily, I found a really similar one that is pretty affordable here. I will also link a couple others below. It’s a great time to buy coats because a lot of them are on sale!

How to Wear Sock Booties

Leopard Coats

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  • Reply Jessica January 22, 2018 at 9:39 pm

    Sock boots are one of the few things I love about winter! Gorgeous leopard print coat you got there too dear!

    Jessica |

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