How to Create Curls that Last on a Long Bob

January 2, 2017

I’m not a big enough blogger by far to have regular requests for anything (but please let me know if you do have something!). You know what people do ask me about? My hair. I think I must be doing something wrong seeing as I am a fashion blogger and all. Grin. Here’s the funny thing about my hair: it is my life goal to fix it as little as possible. Oh, and make it look thicker than it really is. But seriously, I am a little embarrassed to admit how rarely I wash my hair. I always get mad when it’s rainy. If I have to wash my hair sooner than planned… If you’re reading, do you promise not to judge me?

Want to hear a funny story? Sometimes people say to me, “Your hair looks great. Did you do something different?” As I hang my head in shame, I say, “No, it’s just clean.” In reality, I have found that curling my hair really does allow me to go longer between washes, accomplishing my life goal.

Okay good, now that we have that out of the way, let’s talk about how to create curls that last on a long bob. I always feel so accomplished on days I wash and fix my hair before I even leave the house. I’m all like, “Hey, I just worked hard. Shouldn’t I get the rest of the day off?” I wish.

Here’s my secret – hairspray. Read on (and remember, no judging).

How to Create Curls That Last on a Long Bob

how to create curls that last on a long bob - step by step tutorial

Step 1. Add product and dry straight. My favorite products are Aveda Confixor Liquid Gel and Aquage Lifting Foam (awesome for volume!). To dry my hair, I basically flip it over, get it most of the way dry, and then use a paddle brush to comb it out while I finish drying. I don’t want to dry it super sleek or anything since I want the curl to hold.

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how to create curls that last on a long bob - start with clean, straight hair

Step 2. Section the bottom fourth off with a clip. Using a 1-inch curling iron, curl each side away from your face. For the right side, curl it back and to the right. For the left side, curl it back and to the left. They basically meet in the middle in the back, not that you can tell. I take the curling wand pretty close to my scalp so the whole strand gets curled. When it’s day three, you’ll be glad for that extra half turn. Hairspray. (Get used to that one. We’ll use it a lot.)

how to create curls that last on a long bob - step by step tutorial

Step 3. Repeat step two on next fourth of hair. Don’t forget the hairspray!

how to create curls that last on a long bob - step by step tutorialhow to create curls that last on a long bob - step by step tutorial

Step 4. Repeat step two on next fourth of hair (getting closer!).

how to create curls that last on a long bob - step by step tutorial

Step 5. You’re now on the top fourth of your hair. Congrats on your hard work. You guessed it: repeat step 2. The only difference on this final step is that I do not curl my front pieces as close to my scalp. I use my curling iron to skim over them just to take away some of the frizz then curl the rest.

how to create curls that last on a long bob - step by step tutorialhow to create curls that last on a long bob - step by step tutorial

Step 6. Let your hair cool. You may look like Shirley Temple. Fear not (and maybe don’t pin this picture of me looking like her).

how to create curls that last on a long bob - step by step tutorial

Step 7. Once all the heat is gone from your hair, tease the sides and back near your part. This should break up the curls some around the roots. Since they already have hairspray, you won’t take out all the curl. Gently loosen the rest of your hair with your fingers. HAIRSPRAY. Ya know, one last time for good measure.

how to create curls that last on a long bob - step by step tutorial

Step 8. Here’s the real secret, hairspray your hair before you go to bed. You may feel funny, but it’s worth it in the morning when you don’t have to do this all over again.

how to create curls that last on a long bob - step by step tutorial

Step 9. The next morning don’t totally brush your hair. The only time I run a brush straight through my hair is when I get out of the shower and after blow drying. Just retease it, smooth, and brush ends as needed. Then hairspray! Told you it was my secret.

Notes: As you can see, my curls last through 4 days. The curl just slowly falls/gets more wavy instead of curly. Remember my life goal? I really have been working on fixing my hair as little as possible most of my adult life. In the beginning, I washed it every other day. The the third day turned into a ponytail day. Eventually my hair adjusted and I could leave it down. Sometime in there, I managed to start making it four days. If you wash your hair everyday, please trust me when I tell you this life is so freeing! Think of the time you’ll save. And buy some hairspray and maybe dry shampoo too. 🙂

How to Create Curls That Last on a Long Bob – Products You Need

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  • Reply Currently Wearing January 3, 2017 at 5:56 am

    I must say that I also love your hair and your curls. I wish I had more time to do my hair regularly. I really love curled hair and your tutorial made it look so easy!
    Wishing you a happy and blessed new year 2017!

  • Reply Biana Perez January 3, 2017 at 5:47 am

    Your hair always looks so flawless girl – thanks for the great tutorial! xo, Biana –BlovedBoston

  • Reply Rosanna Briguglio January 3, 2017 at 4:32 am

    Thanks for the tips, your hair looks great!
    Have a lovely day 🙂
    Rosanna x

  • Reply theblackblush blog January 3, 2017 at 2:42 am

    Your hair always looks so on point! Great tutorial!

    The Black Blush

  • Reply Neha 14wow January 3, 2017 at 1:04 am

    You have such lovely hair babe….xx, Neha

  • Reply natalie January 3, 2017 at 12:42 am

    my hair is about the same length as yours, so this is perfect for me!
    Thanks for sharing

  • Reply Tina Phan January 2, 2017 at 11:05 pm

    I basically do the same thing as you!! Good to know that I’m doing it right hehe 🙂 Your hair always looks good!


  • Reply Rosie Nikci January 2, 2017 at 10:32 pm

    Normally my curls always stay, lately not one bit! I a gonna try the methods you used esp the hairspray.

    Life is just Rosie

  • Reply Lyddiegal January 2, 2017 at 9:50 pm

    Oh gosh, I’d die if I had to wash my hair everyday! The whole process just takes forever, and I have long hair. But I can only make it three days before it starts to get oily and gross looking, though curls definitely help hide it!
    Chic on the Cheap

  • Reply Katherine Tran January 2, 2017 at 9:28 pm

    The curls look amazing all four days!

  • Reply Bag at You January 2, 2017 at 8:28 pm

    Wow amazing!! I’m going to try this as well!! Thanks for sharing <3 Xx Susanne –

  • Reply Denise Kokinis January 2, 2017 at 8:28 pm

    OMG no way girl! I wash my hair pretty much every single day and style it every single day! I wish I could get away with it like this! It gets so greasy!

    Denise | Fashion Love Letters

  • Reply Heidi D. January 2, 2017 at 8:09 pm

    This post is awesome! I had that same curling iron until it recently bit the dust and nothing works as well! I can’t wait to see what’s in store for you this year:)

    Heidi || Wishes & Reality

  • Reply Jacqueline Rendine January 2, 2017 at 8:09 pm

    4 days later and it still looks amazing! I can usually go three days!
    Stylin In St. Louis

  • Reply SABRINA GYPSY TAN January 2, 2017 at 7:50 pm

    You always have the prettiest curls! Thanks for sharing!

    Happy 2017 lovely!

    Sabrina | Gypsy Tan

  • Reply Keri H January 2, 2017 at 6:45 pm

    Wow, your hair is so cute! I love how the curls fall and still look good, even after 4 days 🙂

    Enclothed Cognition

  • Reply kelsey bang January 2, 2017 at 5:59 pm

    your hair is so cute in curls! I am impressed it lasts for 4 days!

  • Reply Amber @ January 2, 2017 at 5:38 pm

    oh goodness, do people really wash their hair daily? so much work! I also try to go 4 days if possible, but sometimes only make it 3 if the dry shampoo isn’t working with me and is leaving me a bit gray. i’m a hairspray fan, but also love oribe’s dry texturing spray! i usually do waves, but this makes me want to try the curls and see if they hold and don’t end up looking to crazy (i may never be able to brush them out with the amount of product i use…). Btw, your nursery is so adorable. I can’t wait until we move and LO (who has yet to arrive) will get her own room!

    Easy Petite Looks Blog

  • Reply Rach January 2, 2017 at 5:05 pm

    Totally not judging but more jealous that you don’t wash your hair as often. Ugh I have to daily because it gets so greasy by the end of the day! I love how your hair looks amazing after 4 days!

  • Reply Miki January 2, 2017 at 4:34 pm

    Lovely curls and great tutorial. If I’m not working out, I leave my hair for 2-3 days before I wash because it’s pretty coarse and dry and doesn’t get oily until 3rd day. My hair type keeps the curls for the 3-4 days without anything other than heat protection oil, but I know there are tons of people that would need this. I hope you had a fantastic holiday! Happy New Year!


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